Photo dump! Spain, Jordan, Italy, Kenya, Dubai, Paris, and lots of Morocco!

I kept up with this blog till November and then let it fall to the wayside… for a couple of reasons. One, exam time came around and I was suddenly consumed with grading… although also with buses and trains and planes and adventures. Two, as you probably know if you’re reading this, I got engaged! And all my internet time was taken over by pinterest, weddingwire, and theknot. But since it’s spring break and I’m already bored and I’ve been missing Morocco lately, here is a pile of my fave photos from winter and spring 2015!

2014-12-19 18.16.50
December in Ceuta: Twinkly lights on orange trees


2014-12-26 15.17.50
View from a friend’s rooftop in Fez, Morocco


Morocco’s Mediterranean coast is beautiful. So blue!



2015-05-23 16.06.33
Fresh grilled sardines, shrimp, and bissara (a soup made from fava beans) at a cafe by the water in M’diq


2015-06-09 11.52.33
Argan trees in southern Morocco


2015-03-31 10.12.24
One of my favorite cafes in Tetouan


Burj Khalifa, Dubai


2015-01-05 13.58.15
Kenya: a cute little baby warthog crosses the road in front of our car


2015-01-25 13.53.48
Chefchaouen: Blue(ish) town in the Rif Mountains


2015-01-27 13.22.54
The Alhambra, Granada


2015-01-27 13.17.40
Alhambra again


2015-01-30 11.35.01
Sevilla, Spain


2015-01-10 15.24.34
So I had a chance to go (back) to Barcelona, this time with a dear friend, and it was beautiful. Healing and redemption and life and broken pieces put back together, yay.


2015-01-12 11.56.07
I tried to capture a photo that would do the Sagrada Familia some amount of justice. I failed. Seriously, if you are ever in Barcelona, don’t let the long ticket lines dissuade you. This was so worth it.


2014-09-06 19.41.14
A riad (dar?)


2014-11-27 16.57.37
I started noticing that my ring matches stuff in Morocco. Like the Oudaias in Rabat!


2014-12-06 13.33.25
… and the Mediterranean!


2015-03-08 09.36.16
On International Women’s Day, the Moroccan rail company (ONCF) handed out cards and roses to every woman who bought a train ticket!


2015-03-10 18.35.03
Amman at night


2015-03-16 15.36.37
We happened to be in Jordan right after ISIS burned the Jordanian pilot. These signs were all over Amman. “Life your head high, you’re Jordanian.”


2015-03-10 14.56.16
Mount Nebo. Checkin’ out that Promised Land.


2015-03-13 11.39.12
Floating in the Dead Sea was an interesting experience! I was surprised by how narrow the Dead Sea was. Probably not a smart idea to float across, though…


2015-03-14 17.36.12
Desert sunset. Wadi Rum, Jordan.


2015-03-15 12.48.14
Petra, Jordan



2015-03-15 10.24.45
“A rose red city half as old as time…”


2015-02-14 14.36.00
We’ll always have Paris


2015-03-28 09.33.49
A stop along the way from Ouarzazate to the Sahara


2015-03-28 09.33.40


2015-03-28 17.45.20
wind and sand


2015-03-28 17.56.16
We spent a night in this tent in the Sahara. There was a windstorm and I was a big baby and thought our tent was going to collapse. But it held up!


2015-05-04 09.19.11
On a bus heading way way down south to Essaouira


2015-05-03 18.32.11
Essaouira, Morocco


2015-05-02 12.30.08


2015-05-02 13.04.51
Annnnddd more Essaouira!


2015-05-02 15.13.53-1
Hungry street cats hoping the tourists will drop some tajine crumbs
2015-04-06 19.15.43
Got to spend Easter with an awesome friend and her cousins in southern Italy! They fed us and fed us and fed us. It was basically food heaven.

2015-04-07 11.15.07


2015-04-09 15.36.02


2015-06-08 15.39.50 (1)
Taroudant, Morocco